The Marion County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session tomorrow. The board will hold a discussion and take action as necessary regarding a proposed Prairie Ridge Development Agreement as well as consider the appointment of Major Jodi Marti as the Marion County Veteran Affairs Commissioner. They will discuss and take action as necessary regarding a class C liquor license renewal including outdoor service and Sunday sales for Wacko’s Bar and Grill in Knoxville as well as consider a resolution approving an agreement for the County Bridge Federal-Aid Swap Funding for the Pierce Drive Bridge Replacement Project. The board will discuss and take action as necessary regarding proposed changes to the Marion County Road Department Entrance Policy as well as discuss and take action as necessary regarding a fiscal year 2020-2021 Property Tax Suspension Request. The board will hold a closed session to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will be held virtually via Zoom.