
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic some local businesses that were required to close or limit everyday business have felt the economic impact first hand. Due to the economic hardship, other local business owners have come together to help out and give back during this difficult time. According to the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, Ramaeker Enterprises in Knoxville launched a project at the beginning of May to help. Knoxville businesses were able to create a unique message for their business with their logo included to be put on a shirt. Ramaeker Enterprises then printed the shirts to sell, so that both Ramaekers and the other local business could raise funds while also promoting their business. Ramaekers Enterprises announced recently that after the first round of shirt orders the project raised a total of $2,421 that will go back to the businesses that participated in the project. Due to the success of the project, Raemaekers Enterprises has announced the online store for the project will remain open until Sunday, June 14th giving residents a second opportunity to purchase shirts and give back to local businesses in need. To view and or purchase a shirt click here: