
The Indianola School District Return to Learn Plan currently involves in-person learning with an opt out for virtual learning if necessary. Superintendent Art Sathoff tells KNIA News this is the current version of the Return to Learn Plan, and the public should know that it will continue to evolve as more information is available.

“Of course there are new recommendations all the time from the Iowa Department of Education or the Governor’s Office or the Iowa Department of Public Health. We can plan, but you can get guidance such as a disaster proclamation from the Governor, or a requirement from the Department of Education that you will have to change. We have to follow that guidance as we go along.”

The Indianola School Board recently approved safety recommendations for the upcoming school year, with the district requiring face coverings for staff and students grade 6-12 when appropriate social distancing is not available, and students 5th grade and under are not required but encouraged to wear face coverings.