The Indianola School Board discussed the Return to Learn Plan at their most recent meeting Monday, which included a discussion of the positive COVID-19 test in a first grade classroom at Irving Elementary. Superintendent Art Sathoff tells KNIA News it was the first time the safety portion of the Return to Learn Plan was put into place.
“We followed the process that we had laid out. Principal Derek Morris was in immediate contact with me and Warren County Health Services, and led a contact tracing process by which he tried to determine who had direct contact with the person who had the positive test. Direct contact is defined as being within six feet of the person with the positive test for fifteen minutes. As Principal Morris went through the contact tracing process, it became clear that a large majority of that one classroom had been in direct contact with the individual, so at that point we decided to quarantine that classroom for 14 days and move to remote instruction.”
For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.