
The Indianola Community School District will have different virtual learning options for those who have opted out of the in-person learning compared to a case of a classroom being quarantined. Superintendent Art Sathoff tells KNIA News the district will have to be as flexible as possible.

“Remote learning for a quarantine classroom might be a bit different to do every single day compared to an opt-in learning option, but we do feel good about the process we have in place. Our teachers have worked extremely hard to learn effective ways to provide the remote instruction, and our tech department has been incredibly supportive to get the tools to provide a good education at home, and we are working on providing hotspots to provide internet for those students who might not have it at home.”

Sathoff also said he commends the work the administration and staff have already put in to help make this year go as smoothly as possible, and appreciates the cooperation and patience from parents.