
This message was just sent to sixth grade parents/guardians. 

Sixth Grade Parents/Guardians, we are reaching out to inform you of a positive COVID-19 case at Indianola Middle School.

Friday evening Middle School Principal Kristy Ellis was notified of a positive COVID-19 result with one of our sixth grade teachers and contacted the superintendent and Warren County Health Services. Contact tracing was undertaken to determine others who were in direct contact with the individual who tested positive, direct contact being defined as being within six feet of the affected individual for more than fifteen minutes. Contact tracing indicated seven other sixth grade teachers were in direct contact with the teacher who tested positive.

The district has enacted its plan for addressing positive tests in the school setting. The middle school library and sixth grade wing were deep cleaned and sanitized Saturday. We have consulted with Warren County Health Services and have been informed that the Iowa Department of Public Health is notifying each staff member who was in direct contact. The eight affected teachers will be quarantined for fourteen days from the date of exposure, August 19. During quarantine, the district will arrange coverage for the classrooms with substitutes or other staff, and if quarantined teachers are able to work, they will join classrooms remotely through videoconferencing. If the district is unable to provide classroom coverage through substitutes and other staff, under essential worker laws, quarantined teachers are allowed to return to work as long as they are being screened and are asymptomatic. If staffing were still an issue, the district would consider moving affected classrooms to remote instruction at home. Of course, families have that option now, and if families not currently signed up for remote instruction want to change to it, they should contact the middle school principal right away.

The district plan emphasizes safety and caution, but we will work hard to provide the best educational experience possible for our students. Thank you for your support and feel free to reach out to the middle school administration with questions.