
Today marks one week since school started at Pleasantville. The district is currently using a hybrid learning model, with approximately 50 percent of the student body on campus at once. Superintendent Tony Aylsworth says that the district will continue to be fluid in its protocols, based on information from health experts.

“We’re going to continue to look at those suggested strategies around masks, distancing and cleaning. The commitment I’ve made to our community is to adjust up or down accordingly, based on what we’re seeing. And that includes community transmission spread, our daily average attendance rate for students. Even more qualitative things, how are our staff doing. Those are all things going through my mind right now as we use that guidance from the state health experts and educational experts to inform what we’re doing here.”

This district originally was planning to make masks optional, but after the surge in cases in Marion County, decided to make them mandatory. The Pleasantville School Board is scheduled to meet Tuesday.