
The Warren County Conservation Board and Friends of Warren County Conservation annual fundraiser auction continues through Saturday, going fully online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Naturalist Karen Johlas-Szalkowski tells KNIA News items available for bids will include variety baskets of donated items, as well as trees.
Johlas-Szalkowski also said the proceeds from the auction fundraiser will go towards the redesign of the educational exhibit space at the Annett Nature Center.
For more information on the redesign and auction details, click below.

You will need to set up a free account with Putney Auction to be able to place your bid. To set up a free account for bidding visit: http://www.putneyauctiononline.com/auctions.htm#. Please visit their website for more information. Pick up of items & payment will be at Annett Nature Center on Sunday, September 20,2020 from 1PM-3PM. Check, cash,or credit card are accepted.