Pella Regional Health Center revised visitor guidelines this week. The revisions will provide more flexibility in the patient’s choice of a visitor, while still keeping patients and visitors as safe as possible.
All patients are allowed one visitor with the following exceptions:
– End of life care (Limit 2 visitors at any one time/care team discretion)
– Infusion and Oncology patients (No visitors. Patients who need assistance will be taken to the location by an employee of the respective department)
– Patients in isolation (No visitors)
A visitor is defined as any non-patient individual (support person, visitor, caregiver, parent, guardian) accompanying or coming to see a patient. A visitor is one designated individual per day.
Guidelines for all visitors and support persons:
· Visitors must be age 18 or older and healthy (no symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, fatigue, chills, vomiting or diarrhea, loss of taste or smell)
· Must be screened for symptoms before entering the facilities
· Must wear a face covering at all times
· Visitors must stay with the patient in their room (except surgery)
· All visitors are required to wash hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand foam/gel upon entering and exiting patient’s room
· Social distancing must be practiced in the halls and waiting areas
· Med/Surg visiting hours are 8:00 am until 8:00 pm.
These visitor guidelines are subject to change as necessary.