
A juvenile male was transported to Des Moines by Mercy Helicopter after an accident at the west Knoxville High School parking lot Monday at approximately 12:30 p.m. He was riding a motorcycle, swerved to miss a car, but ended up clipping another car. Superintendent Cassi Pearson says she and the district are grateful that the injuries were apparently not life-threatening.

“After learning of an accident in our parking lot, our hearts go out to the family and the very scary situation. We were grateful to learn that it was not life-threatening. Our thoughts and prayers will be with the family and the student as he looks at recovering, and we look forward to having him back at school soon.”

Pearson thanks the first responders for their efforts.

“We became aware of the accident very quickly, and we want to thank our first responders for their immediate attention. It’s always scary when you have students involved in an accident, and the service we have here in Knoxville is absolutely amazing. The response time is extremely quick, and they are great with kids and adults, and get them where they need to be. They serve us so well, and we’re just appreciative of their help”

No one else was injured.