Winter is on the way, and snow ordinances likely will soon be taking effect. Arlene Worrall with the City of Knoxville reminds residents that cars must be moved off the streets when a snow ordinance is in effect, and says that an exception to typical parking rules takes effect during these times.
“Normally, we have a 24-hour city ordinance for cars on the city streets. But if a snow ordinance goes into effect, then you have to remove the car immediately off the street. We do allow at that time for you to put your car in your yard if you don’t have room in your driveway. Normally, you cannot park in a yard, but during a snow ordinance, it’s ok, we don’t fine you for parking in your yard. When the snow ordinance goes out of effect, you can put your car back on the street.”
Snow ordinances will be issued when one inch or more of accumulated snow is expected, and will be lifted once snow is cleared from the streets.