
The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce has concluded its Small Business Saturday festivities after drawing for prizes last week, but the holiday shopping season still has a lot of time left. Marketing and Communications Coordinator Emma Skahill says that spending money locally this holiday season is more important than ever, due to economic hardships faced earlier this year.

“With the COVID shutdowns earlier this year, it’s really more important than ever to shop local. There are a few weeks left until Christmas, so you can get your holiday shopping done locally. Even after the holidays are done, when you need to go out and do a little shopping, we’d really encourage people to continue to shop local. These businesses appreciate your support so much, and they’re the people you see around town.”

Hear more about the holiday shopping season in Knoxville on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.

Those that won gift cards:
Mary Ball
Aimee Benner
Dianne Danner
Jyl DeJong
Haley DeMoss
Deb Dennison
Dana Eck
Brandi Findley
Ronda Geery
Caty Haning
Peggy Johnson
Kylie Ladely
Alex Larson
JoAnn Lee
Molly Moldan
Cullie Provenzano
JoAnna Roland
Hannah Smith
Cheryl Tucker
Ann Wallace