
A Knoxville man faces numerous charges following a traffic stop Saturday evening. At 11:53 p.m., a Knoxville police officer performed a traffic stop of a vehicle operating left of center near the intersection of East Main Street and 4th Street. When the driver reached for insurance information, the officer spotted a glass pipe used to smoke methamphetamine in the glove box. The driver and passenger, 48-year-old Dwight Legros, were detained.

A search turned up two bags of a crystalline substance weighing 72 grams, which field tested positive for methamphetamine. A green plant-like material was found in four separate bags, weighing 10.4 grams. The officer also located a digital scale and between $900 and $1,000 in cash. Other glass pipes, spoons and syringes were also located.

Legros was arrested and taken to the Marion County Jail. He faces felony charges of possession of controlled substances, including methamphetamine, as well as numerous other drug charges. The driver faces lesser charges.