
The Knoxville Police Department recently promoted Officer Chris Rowland and Detective Skyler Verros to the rank of Sergeant. This is a position that fulfills more administrative duties, and according to Chief Aaron Fuller, will fill out the rank system and allow for more efficient work. He says that the two scored very highly on an objective assessment.

“They did an outside law enforcement interview panel, where they got very high marks. In fact, a lieutenant from a large sheriff’s office here in Iowa said that he had done multiple outside law enforcement panels, and said he’d put Officer Rowland and Detective Verros up against any of those and he’d be confident they’d win out. So that was very good news. The credit goes to Officer Rowland and Detective Verros, maybe a little bit to me, but mostly to Dan Losada, because he was the leader of the department for so long, bringing those guys up through the ranks. But they’re the ones who studied, prepared, and worked their butts off to get there.”

Rowland and Verros received the promotions last week. Hear a 2020 Knoxville Police Department year in review on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.