Knoxville Fire and Rescue responded to 2,267 calls in 2020, which was a record number for the department. Chief Cal Wyman tells KNIA/KRLS News that the increase is largely due to COVID-19.
“Every year, we’ve been noticing an increase in calls, this year more of an increase than our normal two to three percent due to COVID. Every year, nation-wide, emergency services see an increase in calls. Our department alone, in a three-year timespan has seen about an eight percent increase, and this year alone we had a five percent increase. A little higher of an increase this year, and I would say that extra percentage is from COVID.”
Wyman also says that the department responded to 90.68 calls per employee, which is just below the average of 96 calls per employee at the Des Moines Fire Department, the largest of its kind in Iowa. Complete statistics will be available in the coming weeks.