
A popular event as part of Knoxville Coaches vs. Cancer is taking place virtually, as the auction will be held online. Organizer Jim Uitermarkt tells KNIA/KRLS News that items can still be donated toward that effort, and they’re hoping for as large a turnout as possible.

“We still would love to have a good auction this year, but it’s probably going to be down a little bit. If anybody would like to donate to the auction, they can get ahold of me at the middle school or my wife Angie at North Elementary, or if they have our email addresses, they can email us as well. We’re happy to arrange pickup of items, so if somebody has something and they don’t want to get out and about, we’re happy to come get it.”

The event runs on Saturday, January 23rd. The high school basketball teams will host Chariton that evening to end the day’s festivities, with the games airing live on 95.3 KNIA. Hear more about the upcoming Knoxville Coaches vs. Cancer on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.