
Knoxville Hospital & Clinics recently used Health and Human Services CARES Funds to purchase a positive pressure ventilator. This device is used to help patients breathe when they can’t do so on their own because of a critical condition or when they are having surgery.

Respiratory Therapist Gary Woodhouse tells KNIA/KRLS News that the ventilator allows KHC the ability to assist patients who need respiratory support, including COVID-19 patients. CEO Kevin Kincaid says that residents should have assurance that KHC has the vital resources to treat patients, and that the best standard of care is readily available. KHC has also received a ventilator from the national stockpile that is available for use.

Knoxville Hospital & Clinics provides patients with pulmonary needs with the highest quality care and most innovative technology, such as a positive pressure ventilator. KHC Respiratory Therapist Gary Woodhouse is pictured with a ventilator and one of the four high-flow nasal cannulas KHC has available to treat patients.