
Former Knoxville Baseball Standout R.J. Roberts has waited a long time for his college baseball season to start. Last year, as a freshman at Central College, he was ready to start his collegiate season when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and cancelled the season only a few games in. Nearly a year later Roberts tells KNIA/KRLS Sports he is ready to get the season started this spring and show everyone what he can offer to the Dutch Baseball program.

“It feels really good. My last game was my senior year in high school, and the last year hasn’t been real routine for me, so playing is going to be amazing.”

Roberts says he will likely be playing JV this season and hopes to be brought up to the varsity team either this season or next season. You can hear a full interview with Roberts, who appeared on last Wednesday’s Radio Sports Page, on KNIA/KRLS on our website at kniakrls.com.

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