Large amounts of rain dumped on Marion County yet again this week and more residents become victims of flood damage, some of which who have never had water in their homes. Marion County Emergency Management is continuing to work to compile information about the damage occurred in the area in hope of securing a presidential declaration for individual assistance. The current state extension to apply for Individual Assistance is open until August 21st and Marion County Emergency Management Coordinator Jeff Anderson says he and other area EM departments have requested a further extension to help those who have received damage in the past few days. Anderson says he has observed widespread damage on low, medium and high income houses and is concerned this will be a long recovery process. The amount of water in Competine Creek in Knoxville has proven to be a large problem as there have been reports of several feet of water that has damaged homes and at least one business. Pet Haven was severely damaged by the large amount of water but all animals were rescued from the business.
Anderson says he appreciates the help of those who have called to report their damages thus far and wants to stress how important it is that those who haven’t contacted him do so as soon as possible. Flood kits are also available at the Marion County Emergency Management office for those who need help cleaning up damage and though the presidential declaration is still pending Anderson needs all residents who have flood damage to contact him at 641-828-2256 with their name, address, type of damage and the date it occurred as soon as possible.
In addition, Anderson says Marion County, Marion County Rural Water and Knoxville Hospital and Clinics will be applying for public assistance to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred during recent flooding and expects Pella and Harvey will be applying for this assistance in the future as well.