With Charlotte’s Web recently wrapping, Pella’s Union Street Players theatre organization is getting ready for its winter production, as auditions for Annie have been planned for later this month. Based on the Harold Gray comic strip and the book by Thomas Meehan, Annie tells beloved story of the little orphan girl in New York City during the Great Depression era, and has been a avorite on Broadway for many years.
Girls ages 7 to 14 will have auditions from 9:00 to noon on Saturday, August 28th, while auditions for 7 to 14-year-old boys, along with all other actors ages 15 and up will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on August 30th and 31st. If needed, callbacks will be held on September 2nd. Auditions will be held in the Joan Kuyper Farver Auditorium at the Pella Community Center.
Annie is being directed by Cyndi Atkins with assistance from Pat Moriarity and Wendy Vander Well and will have six performances in December.