The Knoxville Public Library was selected by the American Library Association to participate in a program called ‘Libraries Transforming Communities: Focus on Small and Rural Libraries.’ The library has received a $3,000 grant to promote a county-wide read, focusing on the topic of diversity and inclusion. On April 27th, the library will hold a virtual event to discuss the chosen book, We The Interwoven. Director Roslin Thompson says people can pick up a free book for a worthy cause.
“We have multiple copies of the book to give out for free, so you can get a copy and share with people you know. It’ll be a great discussion on experiences of people who may be of different ethnic backgrounds. That’s what libraries are about, learning and expanding ourselves.”
The book is written by a group of authors who moved to Iowa with different ethnic backgrounds, and is a description of their experiences. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom on Tuesday, April 27th. Email the library to receive the link.