The Pella Farmer’s Market will be changing their location, which the Pella City Council approved at their meeting Tuesday.
The market previously operated in the parking lot of First Reformed Church, but organizers are aiming to relocate to the east side of Central Park in an effort to make vendors more visible and accessible for the community. The Pella Farmer’s Market will begin operating in this new location from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. next Thursday and continue these hours of operation every Thursday through October 28th.
This week’s market will remain at First Reformed Church from 3 to 6 p.m.
Additionally, the Pella Area Community and Economic Alliance has assisted the Pella Farmers Market with the special event permit process, which allows the weekly event to be incorporated this summer with Thursdays in Pella. The Pella City Council also renewed an agreement with Metro Waste Authority for yard waste disposal and transportation. The price per individual bag will increase from $.95 to $1.08 and from $4.75 to $5.40 per bundle. The council approved special event permits for 4th of July activities in Pella, which will be celebrated on Monday, July 5th.