The City of Indianola and Indianola Chamber of Commerce held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Square Reconstruction Project Monday morning, signifying the start of the project that includes Buxton St. and W Salem Ave on the square being closed. City Councilman Bob Kling tells KNIA News this project is years in the making and once complete will be a big asset to the community.
“This has been very exciting. This was three years in the making, and something the business owners have asked for and worked together with. It was a whole group of people from all over the community that came together and this is the exciting part, the groundbreaking, meaning it’s really going to happen. It’s a wonderful thing for the city, and will be a wonderful thing in the future.”
To hear more from each Indianola City Council member on the groundbreaking ceremony and the project, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.