
The Pella City Council held two public hearings relating to additional infrastructure projects at their meeting Tuesday evening.

The first was to approve a contract with Wicks Construction, Inc. in the amount of $282,307.50 for 250th Avenue improvements, which will include 2,350 square yards of eight-inch thick concrete pavement, grading, shoulder, and surface restoration connecting the hard surface road to the new Lely North America development. The majority of the 250th Avenue project will be paid for by an Iowa DOT grant through the Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) program.

A second hearing was held for a resolution approving a contract with Voltmer, in the total amount of $168,630 for a new Pella Municipal Airport Automated Weather Observing System, replacing a 20 year old unit that frequently malfunctions and no longer has service parts available. If approved, the FAA will provide up to 90 percent of funds for the project, with the city covering the difference.

The first reading of an ordinance was approved for new solid waste fees for yard waste bags and stickers, as part of an agreement with Metro Waste Authority and the Compost It program. Individual yard waste bags will cost $1.08 instead of $.95 per unit, and a five pack is up from $4.75 to $5.40, with individual yard waste stickers now costing $.85 instead of $.70.

Resolutions adopting the annual wage scale, health plan premiums, and revised personnel policy manual for city employees were also approved.

Following regular business, the council discussed a proposal for a conditional resolution of support for possible tax increment financing for the Pella Market commercial development project. Formal consideration will take place at the July 6th regular meeting.