
One of the goals for the 2021 Warren County Fair was to not only make up for lost time after not getting to do nearly all of the activities in 2020, but was to find new entertainment and use this year as an opportunity to expand. Fair Manager Jo Reynolds tells KNIA News that includes events the fair has never seen like the ever popular axe throwing, and competitions for kids and parents called Kids Celebration.

“Kids Celebration is a new event for us that allows parents and children to team up against another parent and child. There were some fun things that are involved. I’ve seen one where everyone had a foot pedal and a balloon with water in it, and whoever pushed their pedal faster got to dump water on the other one. So that looked like a lot of fun.”

The KNIA Big Red Radio will be at the Warren County Fair through Sunday, August 1st, playing live music and reporting 4H results.