Several resolutions were approved by the Pella City Council Tuesday evening relating to development on the west side of the community.
Assistant City Administrator Corey Goodenow says the council set a public hearing on September 7th for a proposed urban renewal plan for the Prairie Ridge commercial area, approved a final plat for the project, and gave the go-ahead for a cost-sharing agreement with RDP Holdings for up to $900,000 in southwest sanitary sewer improvements, all paid for by the developer. Those motions came in addition to engineering services contracts for the sewer project and an approximately $75,000 turn lane for West Washington Street and Fifield Road, which Goodenow says will also support the rapid growth of traffic for the Prairie Ridge residential and commercial structures.
The first reading of ordinances to amend planned unit development zoning agreements for the Prairie Ridge and South Main developments were also approved by the Pella City Council.