
A forum was held for the candidates for Indianola Mayor Tuesday evening, with Stephanie Erickson and incumbent Mayor Pam Pepper answering questions on a range of topics.

The forum was moderated by Amy Duncan, and answered questions ranging from their qualifications, how they view of the role of mayor, areas of emphasis if elected, examples of solving an issue by working with both sides, and working with the council.

A recording of the forum can be found here.

Both at-large candidates, Randy Bickham and Steve Richardson, will be featured in a forum tomorrow evening at the Black Box Theater in the Kent Campus Center on the Simpson College campus beginning at 7pm, and broadcast live on 94.3 KNIA. Masks are required to attend.

The forums are sponsored by the American Association of University Women, the Simpson College John C. Carver Public Policy Center, the Indianola Independent Advocate, and KNIA/KRLS Radio.