The Pella School Board reviewed the district’s financial status at their meeting Monday..
An early retirement program was approved, with a total of 33 certified and 20 non-certified employees eligible. Financial projections related to the next five years based on possible state supplemental aid, enrollment changes, and use of a retirement policy were presented, and showed another round of retirees may help the district stay in a stronger budgetary position over the next few years. Steady enrollment and recent state supplemental aid numbers are not enough to maintain the status quo, according to the numbers presented.
Additionally, the board reviewed the certified enrollment numbers for the current academic year, showing 2170 students count toward the next fiscal year’s budget, with a total of 2346 attending classes as of October 1st, which includes open enrollees.
A public hearing was scheduled on November 22nd to approve the next academic calendar, and a resolution was approved to restructure coaching positions in the high school speech department and add bowling to the regular coaching supplemental pay structure.