
The first Knoxville High School Choir concert of the school year will be held Tuesday in the Knoxville Performing Arts Center, with performances by the Concert Choir and Chamber Choir. The Central College Chamber Singers will join the concert, and Director Ian Heetland says it will be a special opportunity for his students.

“We also have a college choir coming in. I have a good relationship with Central because I went to school there. The top ensemble, the Central College Chamber Singers will be coming to sing with us, which is a great opportunity for our students. We’re going to do a couple of combined pieces, so it’ll be great for them to sing with a collegiate ensemble, and get a feel of what they can do in a handful of years if they stick with it. Really looking forward to it, it’s our first concert of the year. I’m excited for these students, they’ve been working really hard. You don’t get the opportunity to sing with a collegiate ensemble at very many high schools. Excited for the opportunity.”

The concert begins Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Knoxville Performing Arts Center.