
The Pella City Council is holding its first meeting of 2022 this evening.

A public hearing will be held for an ordinance amending regulations pertaining to Highway 163 Monument Signage. The council discussed a request from Lely North America in October to construct an internally lit monument sign for their new corporate headquarters located southwest of Highway 163 at exit 44. The proposed sign is approximately 212 square feet, which exceeds limits established under the City Code.

The council is also expected to approve the appointment of new Pella Fire Chief Randy Bogaard. He currently serves as the Assistant Chief and was previously Captain from 2010-2020, and has been with the Pella Fire Department since 1984. Current Chief Doug Van Gorkom is stepping down from the leadership role he has held since 2005 but will remain with the department.

The Pella City Council will then hold a review of the Pella Public Library’s collection and material review policy and discuss procedural rules for the council itself during Policy and Planning, with no formal action to be considered for either.

This evening’s meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the Pella Public Safety complex, and can also be viewed online: https://join.me/CityofPella