
Knoxville High School held Career Week earlier this month. The school decided to use a new format this year, and College Career Readiness Coordinator Tyler Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News the event was a success.

“We had student surveys of whether they would recommend the sessions to another student or not, and over 90% of the students said they would recommend it to another student, so it was beneficial. There were a couple things we learned that we are going to adjust for next year, but the biggest thing was the team within the school pulled this off, people stepped up to help with things, the recruiting, the businesses for willing to give up time during the workday to come in and help give these opportunities to our kids is the biggest thing so we’re very thankful for that.”

Pearson said the initial goal of the new format was to bring in six speakers in six different career fields, for a total of 36 speakers. The school exceeded that goal, having 72 presenters at career week.