The Knoxville City Council met in regular session Monday night. Staff made a budget recommendation to council for the coming year. Each department head presented and explained their budget recommendations and answered questions regarding their departments. City Manager Heather Ussery says overall, the city is in a good financial position.
“Some of the budget highlights for the overall city budget for the upcoming year…we had a valuation growth of about 9% which is beneficial for us when you think about the overall budget and the property taxes, so we had a mill Levy decrease yet again this year that’s combined with the valuation growth as well as retiring debt; the city is retiring debt very quickly over the next couple of years, so we will potentially see the mill levy decreases.”
The city will be adding another $100,000 to the general fund reserves. For more about the city council meeting budget presentation, tune in to today’s Let’ Talk Knoxville.