
The Indianola School Board reviewed the proposed budget and property tax levy at their meeting Tuesday, which would see a rate of $17.95 per $1,000, a decrease of 4 cents from last year. Superintendent Art Sathoff (Sat-hoff) tells KNIA News nothing has been approved by the board yet, but the administration does not expect anything to change. Sathoff said proper financial planning from the city, county, and the school district should keep tax rates relatively consistent with no major changes.

“The good news on the budget front is that things are solid and we will not have the tax rate yo-yoing, it will go down just a little bit. The county rate is going down about 8 cents as well, so it should be a year for the taxpayers where they are not seeing a big tax increase, so that’s the good news.”

For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.