
T. Waldman-Williams, author of “My Name is Dixie: Designer of the Iowa Flag,” held a book signing at the Knoxville Public Library yesterday to celebrate Iowa Flag Day. Waldman-Williams spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about what motivated her to write the book.

“I wanted to write the book so kids could learn more about Dixie Gebhardt. I started writing for first, second, and third graders but I am not very good at writing for that age. So I went with Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh grade cause I taught those kids for a while and I really like Middle school. It’s where kids really learn about themselves and build their self-esteem.”

Waldman-Williams talks about encouraging kids to write.

“I would always encourage everyone to start writing. We’ve had authors talk to second graders and they said they started writing in second grade whether it be in a book or an essay. I remember writing poems but I never kept anything. I encourage everyone to just start writing and go from there.”

Three Knoxville Middle School students, Mckale Clark, Elly Arkema, and Avery Beal shared their essays on what the Iowa Flag means to them. Copies of the book are available to check out at the Knoxville Public Library or to purchase at or