
Hearthstone, a Ministry of Wesleylife, is recognizing a disease that impacts the lives of many of their residents and mainly older adults around the world.

Natasha Nikkel is Wellness Coordinator of the local retirement communities at Hearthstone and says they are raising awareness about Parkinson’s Disease. It impacts nearly one million Americans, with an average of 60,000 in the United States diagnosed annually.

Nikkel says their Rock Steady Boxing program is a way to help those with Parkinson’s find some control over symptoms, as while there is no cure, one of the best ways to stay strong is with frequent “forced” exercise.

Their Rock Steady program meets twice a week and Hearthstone is also working to expand their Parkinson’s support group now that the worst of COVID-19 appears to be over.

Hear more about Parkinson’s Awareness Month on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.