The Iowa Senate passed a bill regarding the legalization of past wills being signed virtually made legal, and future wills that can be signed virtually with safeguards. State Senator Julian Garrett tells KNIA News he led the bill through the Senate; the bill expands the definition of the word “presence” to include electronic presence as well as physical presence, which is important because the person signing the will can be in a different location than the attorney or other person who prepared the will, and perhaps the witnesses to the signing. Garrett also said he added amendments to the bill to help safeguard anyone making out a virtual will, including questions that have to be read.
“The questions will be are you married, and if so state the name of your spouse, state the names of anyone who helped you in accessing the video conference today, state the names of anyone who assisted you in preparing the documents you are signing today, where you are located, who is in the room with you, and we are requiring the attorney to make a video recording of the proceeding and keep it for at least 10 years so there is a documentation of what happened at that signing.”
Toi listen to the full interview, click below.