The Knoxville School Board will meet in a regular session on Monday. The board will consider a recommendation from the Facilities Task Force on how to spend the 2.5 million dollars allocated for athletic field improvements. The board will consider a proposal for part-time employee benefits. The board will consider a sharing agreement for Transportation Director with Pleasantville Schools and will also consider a sharing agreement for the Transportation Mechanic with Pleasantville Schools. The board will consider a modification to the Transportation Mechanic contract, and a request to purchase new furniture and equipment for the band and choir classrooms in the new Middle School. The meeting will begin at 5:30 pm in the boardroom of the administration building.
Here is the full recommendation from the Facilities Task Force.
The purpose of this task force was to make a recommendation to the school board on how to spend $2.5 million dollars for improvements to athletic fields. Three sessions were held between March 30 and May 4. Historical and current data was shared that included previous reports from engineers and contractors, estimated capital expenditures, annual maintenance costs, number of students served and events held. The task force wishes there was more money available for these improvements but realizes that limitations exist and difficult decisions must be made. It is the hope of the task force that the KCSD School Board will consider this recommendation in its entirety.
- Facilitate the formation of a Ken Locke Stadium Group that includes partnerships with the Alumni Association/Save Our Stadium Committee, the City of Knoxville, the Marion County Historical Society, and KCSD. Empower this group to create a long term plan for the preservation of Ken Locke Stadium.
- Allocate the $2.5 million dollars for improvements at Randy Wilson Track and use the following priorities to determine the specific order of projects
- Address Student Safety Compliance Needs First
- Address Spectator Safety Compliance Needs Second
- Address Accessibility and ADA Compliance Needs Third
- Provide for Improved Student Experiences
- Provide for Improved Spectator Experiences