
Last week was National Municipal City Clerk Week, a week set aside to celebrate the importance of city clerks and their work for cities and communities across the nation. Indianola City Clerk Jackie Raffety tells KNIA News most of her job consists of putting together the agendas for Indianola City Council and the IMU Board of Trustees, helping put together resolutions for city departments, and interacting with the public for permits. Raffety also said she feels the most important part of her job is serving the community.

“My email signature says ‘I slept and dreamt that life was joy, I woke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy’ and that was by a gentleman with the last name of Tagore. I just really feel that wholeheartedly, that I am here to serve the people of the city and want to make this the best place that people can have to live and work and want to be here.”

For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.