Thousands of Pella’s favorite flowers remain as peak bloom hit just in time for the Tulip festival this past weekend. This week’s heat will accelerate the process of all stages for tulips in the community, but many should remain this weekend.
Pella Community Services Director Jeanette Vaughan says the final update for the City’s bloom status map has been posted.
The annual community tulip bulb dig will take place as scheduled on Monday, May 16th, according to Vaughan. Tulip bulbs in the following locations will be available for removal on Monday, May 16 at 7:00 a.m.:
– Beds located between the sidewalk and street on South Main Street (from Peace to Liberty), North Main Street (from Washington to Sunken Gardens Park), Washington Street (from the Open Bible Church west to Brinkhoff Park), and Franklin Street (from the Post Office west to West Market Park)
– City parks: Brinkhoff, Central, South, Sunken Gardens, West Market
– City buildings: City Hall, Community Center, Library, Klokkenspel
– Fair Haven Memorial at the intersection of Union Street & E 3rd Street
Follow these guidelines when digging tulip bulbs:
– Use a pitchfork n Remove all foliage with the bulb
– Remove only tulip bulbs n Soil must remain in the flower beds
– Abide by all on-site signage