The Knoxville Hospital and Clinics recognized its staff with service awards during their annual celebration kicking off National Hospital Week. Jan Myers, Chief Nursing Officer with Knoxville Hospital and Clinics spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about the awards.
“This week we celebrated Hospital Week and part of the week we recognize our employees with service awards for those that have worked at Knoxville Hospital and Clinics for five years or more. We honored 32 employees totaling 385 years of service. We also gave out our DAISY award, which goes to one nurse each year, and this year Amanda Philips RN was the DAISY award recipient. We also named our Hero of the year and that award went to James Agey.”
Here is the full list of Service Award recipients
5 years of service: James Agey, Mary Ball, Teela Becker, Jessica Coffman, Teresa Glesener, Jenni Hammann, Faith Martin, Tara Martin, Stephanie Sparks, Nancy Stewart, Lucille Voshell, Denise Vroegh, Kamryn Wilson, Marie Wright, and Cari Wright.
10 years of service: Jesse Crum, Rechelle Gamble, Lisa Oldham, Cheryl Thiel, Kyley VanDonsler, and Halie Myers.
15 years of service: Brandi Booth, ARNP, Kellie Jones, Lori Major, and Lindsay Wilson.
20 years of service: Katrina Nelson.
25 years of service: Sue Flander, Patti L’Heureaux, Dixie Smith, and Deb Cross.
35 years of service: Dawn Crozier and DeLoris Samuelson.