
The Pella City Council approved two contracts during public hearings for upcoming infrastructure projects at their meeting Tuesday. The council approved bids for the Old City Hall Alley reconstruction for $555,455 with TK Concrete and Prairie Street gravel conversion to pavement for $914,587 with Blommers Construction. A sanitary sewer project bid for Prairie Ridge was delayed until June 29th due to the bid coming in over the engineer’s estimate and a need to finalize a cost sharing agreement with RDP Holdings, which was discussed later during policy and planning. A public hearing was also held to convey and sell a parcel of public right-of-way to Pella Regional Health Center. The council approved special event permits for the Pella Historic Downtown Retail Group’s “The District After Dark” programs and a “175th Anniversary Summer Soiree Block Party” for Dutchfix on August 5th and 6th. Resolutions to schedule a referendum on September 13th to extend the Local Option Sales and Service Tax, amend the upcoming wage scale, adopt health plan premiums, and a new reserve officer compensation rate were all approved as well. During policy and planning, the council discussed a special meeting on June 29th to approve the final transfer of Pella Community Ambulance from a non-profit to government-operated entity and a drafted public restroom sharing agreement with the PACE Alliance.