
Tonight is Week One of the 2022 Iowa High School Football season, with teams getting their season started. KNIA/KRLS Radio will have full coverage of local schools this year, with play-by-play for Pella and Pella Christian on 92.1 KRLS and the KRLS2 stream, Knoxville on 95.3 KNIA, Indianola on 94.3 KNIA, and Norwalk on the KNIA3 stream on, with Pleasantville and PCM on the streams.

Before each week of games, tune in to KNIA/KRLS to hear the Jeromy Dingeman Concrete Football Friday Night Radio Preview Show at 4:30pm for highlights, player profiles, team features, the Pick Em contest, go around the district and more, and stay tuned after each game for the Mahaska Bottling Radio Scoreboard Show for scores from across Marion and Warren Counties, the state, and highlights from each of the six games broadcast on the air and online.

Tonight features the Week 1w show, providing insight on each of our local teams as they get ready for competition. All profiles and features will be posted on the Football Friday Night tab on throughout the season.