
Heal House of Indianola and Warren County, an organization dedicated to helping the local homeless population, is preparing for the winter months. Board President Laurie Abernathy tells KNIA News they are continually making improvements to their facility in Indianola, and their emphasis is working with those who need assistance to be able to get back out on their own by setting short and long-term goals.

“We sit down with our clients every Sunday and set new goals, just to make sure they are meeting their goals whether it’s a personal growth goal, finding an apartment, rebuilding a relationship with family, whatever it may be. We go by a case-to-case basis and just try to continue to meet our goals to get them back on their feet.”

Abernathy also said they are always in need of volunteers, so if anyone is interested in assisting Heal House, they should get in contact. For more information on how to donate, click below.