
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing up to $2.8 billion in 70 projects in the first pool of Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities funding opportunity, that includes priorities on energy, conservation, and carbon capture for farmers. Congresswoman Cindy Axne says she supports the priorities, and will bring jobs and security to farmers.

“This is the biggest investment in reducing climate change impact this country has ever seen, but the beauty of this it will create tons of jobs. It is expecting to create around 900,000 clean energy jobs. These are great paying jobs. And we have conservation programs that have been massively expanded, allowing farmers to control their input and mitigate their risk, mitigate the loss of soil nutrients, and mitigate water needing to be so clean because of the products that go into it. All of these things, our farmers are looking for. It reduces their cost on the front end and we need to make sure we are addressing these.”

Congresswoman Axne was recently featured on In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard. Listen to the full interview below.
