
During a joint meeting with the Van Veen – Van Hemert American Legion Post and the American Legion Auxiliary, Wilma Brouwer was recognized for her 50 years of support to both organizations.

Wilma started folding the group’s monthly newsletter and then began keeping track of the location of approximately 1,000 local veterans’ graves making sure a grave marker was present, so when the American Flags were placed on the Veteran’s grave, a flag could be placed on each.

When Wilma’s husband Gary–who was a veteran, passed away, a portion of his Memorial Fund was used to light the American Flag at Oakwood Cemetery. A plaque was placed on the base of the light recognizing Gary. This plaque has now been changed and now recognizes both Gary and Wilma Brouwer in their support of local veterans.

The Auxiliary and the Post also presented Wilma with a yard ornament, a plant, and another plaque to sit in her residence recognizing Wilma’s support to the Post and Auxiliary.

“We want to publicly say thank you to Wilma for all of her support to our Post and the Auxiliary,” said Commander Don DeKock.