Michaela Bigaouette, Marion County Treasurer, pointed out how important it is to obtain a real ID, which shows up on your driver’s license. A real ID proves your identity to Homeland Security.
How do you go about obtaining a gold star? Bigaouette tells KNIA/KRLS News, “In a nutshell, basically you need to bring your birth certificate or passport, your social security card and two proofs of residency. Your proof of residency can be anything that has gone through the US Postal Service. So, two pieces of mail, a utility bill, insurance card, voter registration etc. Two things that have your name and your street address, not a PO Box.”
Also people have to have any legal documents that prove any name changes you have had, marriage licenses, divorce decree, adoption papers, court orders, etc.
It’s not required to get the gold star, so there is no deadline to obtain one. You do need a real ID after May 3, 2023 if you fly domestically or want to gain access to a federal facility or a military base. The real ID will show up on your driver’s license with a gold star in the upper right hand corner.