The Knoxville City Council will meet Monday. On the agenda is a public hearing to approve plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the VA District – Phase 1 Improvements Project.
The council will discuss approving a resolution on contract, bonds, and certificate of insurance for the VA District – Phase 1 Improvements Project. Also on the agenda is discussion regarding Main Street Improvement Project concept.
They will also have a discussion regarding deer population management zones within the city limits and discuss city inspections.
Discussion and possible action will take place regarding the Dixie Gebhardt House
Other agenda items include discussion to authorize staff to apply for an Iowa Nuisance and Abandoned Building Remediation Loan on behalf of Marion County. Discussion will be held on partial payment of the municipal grant associated with IEDA downtown housing project.
Discussion and possible action to approve partial payment of the municipal grant associated with the IEDA Downtown Housing Project will occur
The council will have a second consideration and possibly waive the third consideration and adopt an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the city of Knoxville by amending provisions pertaining to Vacant Building Permits and Inspections.
The council will also discuss the city ordinances regarding the use of golf carts and utility trail vehicles on city streets.
A hearing to discuss board member absences will also take place.