National Apprenticeship Week is coming up November 14-20 and the WorkSMART Connector — a collaboration of local employers, educators and students will come together for two events. Students from schools throughout the area, and their families, are invited to attend and learn more about local work-based learning opportunities (including apprenticeships) in welding, engineering tech, patient care, hospitality (culinary, tourism and events), construction, IT and early childhood education on November 14 at Weiler Manufacturing and November 17 at Pella High School, both at 6:30 p.m. Current and past participants in the program and their employers will share their experience with the program and answer questions. Discussion will also focus on:
• what a work-based learning experience involves,
• great opportunities to earn a paycheck and even college credit,
• and how it helps students make decisions about and even secure a fulfilling career.
The events are for students interested in going directly into the workforce or those exploring a college degree or certification. For more information about this community collaboration, go to worksmartconnector.org.