
The Knoxville Hy-Vee Food Store served a total of 508 meals Friday for their Veterans Day breakfast held at the National Guard Armory. Hy-Vee partnered with the Knoxville VFW.

Knoxville Store Manager Levi Martley tells KNIA/KRLS News, “We served breakfast to veterans  and their families. We had included biscuits and gravy, bacon and sausage, eggs and party potatoes.We wanted to make sure everybody was filled up for the day. We had the opportunity to serve 508 breakfasts this morning, which is one of the best that I’ve seen. I’m so proud of the team and how they executed. There were over a dozen Hy-Vee employees involved, showing up and starting at 3 a.m. starting to cook breakfast just to make sure that everything ran as successfully as possible.”

The event was held at the armory due to the large number of people who showed up. All day Friday veterans were given 15% off their groceries.