
The Knoxville Public Library is funded primarily by the residents of Knoxville, Marion County Board of Supervisors, state/federal monies, private donations and collection of fees.

The annual report has just been released. Income for fiscal year 2022 showed over $318,000 came from the city, which is the largest portion of their revenue. Total revenue was $448,071 for the past fiscal year. Expenses totaled $446,012 for the fiscal year 2022.

Some other facts about the Knoxville Public Library shows they are accredited at Tier 3, the highest level of accreditation set by the State.

There are over 544 public libraries in Iowa, Knoxville Public Library is a size “E” Library serving  population from 5,000 to 9,999. There are 42 such libraries in the state.

Knoxville Head Librarian Rosalin Thomson tells KNIA/KRLS News some other important facts from the annual report. She says some people might not know but the total collection size for the library is over 40,000 items. Thompson adds, “If we don’t have it we can always get it from another library, it is called inter-library loan.”

There were over 22,000 visits to the library and 8,438 library cards. The library also offered 220 programs to all ages with an attendance of over 4,000, more than two times as the year before.There were over 22,000 visits to the library, a 20% increase.